Friday, July 16, 2010

Intelligent Design

In the case that you don't have over twelve hours to dedicate to the last 2 videos that I posted, I will attempt to sum up the general idea of what they are about.

The term "intelligent design" is often associated with the religious ideas that God (as a creature) has created everything the way we see it today. The vast complexity of our DNA suggests to scientists and religious types that there's no way this all just happened by accident. The human body is such an intricate and delicate mechanism and needs a perfect balance of environment to survive in. Just the simple fact that we exist today, is far too much of a coincidence to say that somehow we just evolved from nothing.

By this point, I'm sure that many people know that everything is made of energy when you break it down. The forces that hold together the atoms in a molecule are gravitational and that all matter (even solid concrete) is over 99% empty space. If we look at a larger scale, the planets that orbit the stars, solar systems that orbit galaxies, etc. we start to notice a vast number of connections between our universe and the subatomic particles that comprise everything we see and touch around us. This concept is described as the "fractal nature of the universe" by Nassim Haramein and suggests that each part contains the whole.

In my post entitled "Numeralspirituality" I describe that the only two numbers that actually matter are zero and infinity. I am not alone in my concepts, as there is much evidence to suggest that what is infinite to us (the universe) may actually just be zero (a minute tiny molecule) in some other vast dimension. Understanding the concept of the time/space fabric, factoring in size, we see that our tiny molecules move incredibly fast and seem random, while our planets and solar system move much slower and more predictably because of their vast size. Basically, time and space are interconnected and change with each other. Knowing this, we can then see that if we speed up the movements of our universe, they reflect the seemingly random patterns that we observe by looking at subatomic particles.

This fractal pattern of the universe changes our concept of creation but does not necessarily conflict with the concepts found in the Bible and other religious texts. By changing our concepts of what "God" is, suddenly the pieces fall into place a little bit better.

The universe has a way of arranging itself in the most efficient possible way. There are many naturally occurring patterns that we can observe from the Fibonacci/Golden Spirals found in pine cones, sea shells, plants, weather patterns and even the shapes of galaxies, to the way energy flows in waves which can be observed in the pattern of our DNA, to the ripple effect of throwing a stone into a still pond and the way sound travels and is detected by our bodies. By recognising all of these connections, we can better understand the universe and the way it arranges itself. This natural arrangement is what can be described as Intelligent Design.

There is a confusion amongst science and religion about "if God created us, then who created God?" A Christian's answer to that question is that God is eternal which is similar to the age-old "chicken and the egg" paradox. The fact of the matter is, there is an overwhelming amount of evidence that we are not alone in the universe and that since we use under 10% of our brain capacity and DNA, that there is a high potential for improvement and that there is most likely advanced lifeforms that not only share the galaxy with us, but could be responsible for a good portion of our technology and evolution as a species up to this point in time. Most, if not all religions talk about there being "angels" and "gods" from beyond the reaches of our planets that had the abilities to fly, heal, communicate telepathically, etc. These are merely tales of alien encounters and should be able to bridge the gap between science and religion instead of widen it.

The fact of the matter remains that if something created us, something must have created it and so forth which suggests that it is a never-ending eternal cycle. The way I see it is that in order for "something" to exist, it must have "nothing" to exist in. Meaning that if there wasn't something, there would be no nothing. Confusing? If we look at the chicken and the egg philosophy, neither one of them came first because both need each other in order to exist. This is the eternal, infinite nature of the universe and the other universes that are likely to exist as well.

If this information seems at all relevant to you, I highly suggest you watch the last two videos from David Wilcock who is more along the spiritual side but has a great understanding of science, and physicist Nassim Haramein who is constantly pushing the boundaries of our contemporary science with his extreme insight and logic. This post has only been the tip of the iceberg and all of this information is elaborated on in the two videos. I found that they bettered my understanding of the universe, which in turn betters my understanding of myself.